So let me guess, your on the next football team? OH, I'm sorry, those are dark undereyes! Yikes. My bad. It's ok you came to the right place.
Unfortunately, getting enough sleep isn't always enough to prevent dark circles under the eyes from developing. The following are some of the common causes of dark under eye circles:
Aging: As we age, the delicate skin under our eyes becomes thinner. This thinning of the skin allows the blood vessels underneath to become more visible. These blood vessels can give the appearance of under eye circles. In addition, we also lose collagen and fat in the under eye area. This leads to hollowing as we get older. The deeper the hollows, the darker the circles appear. Ugh yea, welcome to the aging world.
Allergies/Nasal Congestion: Nasal congestion causes the veins that drain from the eyes to the nose to dilate and darken. This can lead to the appearance of dark under eye circles. In addition, allergies can not only cause nasal congestion, but can also cause puffy eyes.
Heredity: Unfortunately, some people are more likely to have dark circles under their eyes than others, due to genetics. Like other features, good and bad, dark under eye circles can be passed down from generation to generation. Sorry about this one lol
I have some tips that It does not hurt to try. Am I right?
1. I do the following personally, I cut a raw potato slice (like the size of a potato chip) and that piece I slice in half and place one under each eye for 10 minutes. The potato absorbs the water under the eyes. I been doing this since high school.
2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Water is very important. More info on beauty and
water. This is as important as getting plenty of sleep. It keeps blood circulating in that area. More info on
Beauty and Fruits.
3. Smoking causes vascular (blood vessel) problems that can not only threaten your life , but also make your blood vessels appear more prominent and bluer. More info on
Beauty and Smoking.
4. Slice cucumbers into thick slices. Cucumber slices have long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the appearance of skin around the eyes, providing a fast "pick-me-up" for tired and puffy eyes. Place a slice over each eye, extending over the darkened area. Do this daily for 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed.
5. Tea Bags also helps with the skin discoloration and reduces swelling. Apply a caffeinated bag for 10 minutes.
6. Maybe skin lightening creme can work, I am not sure about this one. Read instructions before you try products. Here is information on a product
lightning skin creme.
There is probably hundreds of more remedies out there. Feel free to leave your remedy tip below. Others would appreciate it.
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