Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tell me facts about yourself award...

Recieving blog awards or even mentions, for me makes me feel so special. I really enjoy writing my blog for my readers, so here is a nice award from

The Rules

Thank and link the person who awarded you

Write 7 random things about yourself

Spread the love to 15 other bloggers

7 Random Facts

#1 I am very shy....and I hate it

#2 I don't like bugs.....

#3 I' have a passion for my career

#4 I love anything from JLO... perfumes, clothes, movies, music

#5 I have two amazing daughters!!!

#6 2 blessings in my life - my 17 year old and a 10 year old daughters !

#7 coconut is my favorite ...

15 Bloggers:

Thank you for reading


  1. Thank you so much!!! I am shy too but a lot better than ever before and I love coconuts. :)

    Heel in Mint

  2. Your life really does sound blessed! And thanks for the mention, I have never gotten one before and am truly excited to finally start forming a community on here :)

    So do I do the same thing too? Mention you and then link to others? A little new at this lol

  3. aww u so sweet. Ty. Yes. U mention me who gave it to you then you give to 15 fav others. Please visit often.

  4. Hi Gisell! Thank you for the sweet award! So nice of you! I hate bugs too..but I hate frogs or any type of reptiles the most! xoxoxoo

  5. Your welcome hun. Visit back again xo
